It is Sunday morning and I am sitting at my desk at work. April is round the corner and we have a lot of work to do at Samskruti. We are planning something exiting, something big and something that would make you think about what is around you. We are planning to gift you happiness! How are we going to do that?
Coming April, we are plannig to spend time with all our clients and their families by inviting them to our Indus Valley project and spend a day with us. This is going to be the first of several meetings in future to promote bonding, community and team spirit among the co-residents of the project. Not just that this is going to be a day of fun. While it is too early to let the cat out of the bag, I would like to give you a heads up about what's in store.
If you think you could help us plan something good and have a concept, please feel free to share.
“Prajápatye Kasyapáya déváya namah.
Sadá Sítá medhyatám déví bíjéshu cha
dhanéshu cha. Chandaváta hé."
Sadá Sítá medhyatám déví bíjéshu cha
dhanéshu cha. Chandaváta hé."
“Salutation to God Prajápati Kasyapa. Agriculture may always flourish and the Goddess (may reside) in seeds and wealth. Channdavata he."
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