Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Let's talk Water

Times are changing and requirements are changing too. All the natural resources are being added to the list of depleting items. Resources which we have been taking for granted are bidding adieu to us all. Add to that list water, clean air, sunlight, vegetables, flora, fauna and all the other things we as humans need to survive. When we get things free we tend to take them for granted. Like water, air, space, vegetables, fruits, flora and fauna. While we ignore their importance we are paying with our health and indirectly a lot of money too.

All the efforts to transform a house to a home would be of no use if we only concentrate on the cosmetic things like paints, furniture, decorations, pool and so on which only give us material comforts and luxuries but not concentrate on managing the resources well. When you plan for a house, you need to plan for proper water management, ventilation, power management, fruiggescaping, storage, cleaning and many more such things.

At Samskruti we aim to build homes that are almost completely sustainable in terms of natural resources. Water is one such resource and here are various ways we handle water at Samskruti homes:

  1. Plan for 100% collection of rain water: Which means planning for collection and storage.
  2. Ensure proper collection of storm water and overflow during rains: Most of the water is wasted as it overflows to the sewage lines
  3. Channel all the water collected from rain, storm water and other sources through a purification system before it enters the storage. This helps in maintaining the sanctity of water regardless of the source.
  4. Maintain the health of stored water so it will not be a nursery for bacteria, fungus and other harmful viruses. Installing proper lights, constant checking, meters to ensure the quality and so on.
  5. Install and maintain recycling plants for both the fresh water and the used water. If planned well most of the water collected for recycling can take care of your gardening, flush, cleaning and other purposes. With modern purification systems this water is potable if required.
  6. Educate and train the residents about the benefits of using water sparingly. Conduct workshops, explain financials, encourage methods for this.
  7. Incentivise the residents who save water by installing usage meters and individual billing. Publish reports to help compare the data collected and share them with the residents to show how much they can save with simple steps and recognize best performers.
  8. Inculcate a culture of responsible living with the aim to reduce, reuse, refuse and recycle.
I can go on but you get the drift. You can and should do all this or just come and stay with us. All these and more are taken care of at Samskruti. Our homes are built to be smart, sustainable, futuristic, classy and awesome. So if you are someone who has all these attributes give us a call and see how we can work together.

Reach us at: www.samskruti.in or call 9916217777 | 080-41650777.

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