Monday, December 3, 2012

Water at Indus Valley!

Samskruti Indus Valley stands out as our special project as we have been able to achieve what many people dream of. From 1100 feet deep borewell about a year back, we could get water at less than 200 ft now! All this is due to rainwater harvesting.

You might ask, everybody these days is doing rainwater harvesting. What is different with your project?  Here are some of the points that differentiate Samskruti Builders from others.
  1. We planned, designed and developed the layout as a massive water collector and storm water retainer
  2. We have more than 220 wells(in phase 1 and about 450+ wells in phase 2) which perform a dual role: Hold water that is collected from the layout, replenish the ground water
  3. As all the wells are connected, water is retained at the same level in all the wells
We are planning efficient systems to reduce, recycle and reuse most of the water in the property and making it a sustainable endeavour. Apart from appreciating the value of the project, we also believe this goes a long way in promoting sustainable and responsible living.

A couple of good rains and we have enough and more water at our natural stream. Here is a before-and-after-photograph. (click to enlarge).

Speak to us to know more: Call 99162 17777
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